Song selection for next round of tabs

Hi A -

First and foremost, thank you for your awesome guidance and help. This makes my entire experience fun and engaging.

Here are a few songs that I really like and maybe you can decide which one.

Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’

I think this is just an awesome song. We can add some distortion and reverb. His voice is slightly high pitched but maybe we can start in the middle of the fret board and then as he get thru the verses we can move up the fretboard?

I have noticed with melodies that, if we can do something like that where we start in the middle and then go up – it might make it even more interesting. But, you are the guru and you know the answer to that question.

Pink Floyd – Poles Apart

And, of course, at some point in time we will have to get a Pink Floyd song in….and this one is great for melody. Of course, there is advanced solos etc but if you want we can add a simple jam play along or something (or “did you know, did you know” from time to time towards the end or something). All up to you my man – I’m just excited to be able to learn the fretboard.

I’ll touch base with you again and make a lesson plan or something for that other project I mentioned, learning the e minor pen·ta·ton·ic scale.

Thanks and let me know.

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